Nordicus was founded in 2015 by three partners with considerable experience in the fields of asset management, investment sales, risk management, financial analysis, indices and ETFs. It is independently owned with offices in Stockholm (Sweden) & Cambridge (UK).
Nordicus offers exclusive representation and services (typically fund marketing / third party asset-raising) to selected asset management companies – including ETF/passive, long-only and alternatives – and index providers in the Nordic region and selected European countries.
The company also organizes educational seminars, events, presentations and training sessions on selected financial products on clients’ behalf.
Investments are made directly into the respective managers’ products. There is no direct business or contractual relationship between the investor and Nordicus . Nordicus’ activities need therefore no approval by the Swedish Financial Conduct Authority (Finansinspektionen).
We employ a variable fee structure depending on the nature of the services provided to clients.
Nordicus is based in Stockholm (Sweden) & Cambridge (United Kingdom) and was founded in 2015 by three partners with jointly 75+ years of experience within fund distribution, asset raising, ETFs and index & exchange business.
Henrik Norén
Managing Director, Partner and Co-Founder
Henrik has over 25 years of experience in the financial services industry. He started his career at KPMG, where he spent two years, followed by seven years at Öhman and then 17 years at Svenska Handelsbanken.
Before co-founding Nordicus, Henrik was Managing Director of the leading Nordic ETF provider Xact (wholly-owned by Svenska Handels-banken) for seven years. During his tenure at Xact, external assets under management rose from EUR 1 billion to EUR 2,5 billion.
Henrik has accumulated a wide range of experience in asset raising and indistribution of both retail and institutional funds in the Nordic region via his network of institutions and individuals.
David Aldred
Partner and Co-Founder
David has been involved in fund distribution for over 30 years. His previous roles include Head of International Distribution at Rothschild Asset Management, Head of European Distribution at Insight Investment and Head of European Distribution at Old Mutual Global Investors.
He is well-known to the key investment professionals across most European Markets, including the Nordic region, and in his last role he raised in excess of USD 3 billion into alternative UCITS.
David has during the course of his career been based in the Channel Islands and London and currently works from the Nordicus office in Cambridge.
Peter Wölger
Partner and Co-Founder
Peter has more than 20 years experience in financial services, mainly within fund distribution, asset raising & indices. He started his career in London where he worked for Rothschild Asset Management, Insight Investment and Britannic Asset Management as investment Sales Manager for Europe, with an emphasis on the Nordic region. Later he joined STOXX, the index provider as Regional Director for the Nordics, Baltics, RU & UA and in that capacity moved back to Sweden in 2006.
Since 2008, and before Nordicus, Peter ran his own consultancy company, a representative office for hire, catering mainly to international index providers and stock exchanges.
Our philosophy is predicated on the understanding that a fund manager’s primary objective is to manage their investment funds and produce significant returns for investors. By outsourcing the marketing and asset-raising functions to Nordicus, they are able to retain this focus while still building their assets under management.
Nordicus maintains a large proprietary database of institutional and intermediary investors including banks, family offices, pension funds, insurance companies and other institutional investors. By constantly building relationships with these investors we maintain an insight into their current investment needs and drivers shaping their future requirements.
This market insight coupled with the right kind of marketing allows us to pre-qualify target investors and effectively match our clients’ funds and products to the most appropriate distribution channels in the shortest possible time. We seek to enhance the relationship between asset manager and fund marketeer to the point where true partnerships are formed, aligning the interests of manager and its local partner – Nordicus – and improving the long-term wealth of the underlying clients.
Due Diligence Process
We conduct a due diligence process to gain a thorough understanding of the product’s investment strategy, risk management, performance and other factors that potential investors would need to understand and evaluate prior to making an investment. This ensures that we only undertake a consultancy or marketing assignment for clients and products that we believe will find new revenue in the Nordic region and Europe.
- Network
- Meeting
- Conferences
- Category
- Risk
- Performance
- Manager Philosophy
- Investment Process
- Infrastructure
- Meetings
- References
- Manager consistency
- Transparency
- Quality in admin.
- Performance & risk Investment process, compliance, admin, risk control
- References and feed-back from investors et al.
Nordicus is available to assist clients with marketing and branding issues ranging from events, ads and public relations down to fund fact sheets and fund manager brochures.
The Red Deer
The stylized picture of a red deer (Cervus elaphus) is the symbol of Nordicus
The red deer is one of the largest deer species native to Sweden (and most of Europe). Only the moose is bigger. The male (stag or hart) red deer is typically 175 to 250 cm (69 to 98 in) long and weighs 160 to 240 kg (350 to 530 lb). Only the stags have antlers, which start growing in the spring and are shed each year, usually at the end of winter. Antlers typically measure 71 cm (28 in) in total length and weigh 1 kg (2.2 lb), although large ones can grow to 115 cm (45 in) and weigh 5 kg (11 lb).
Mature red deer usually stay in single-sex groups for most of the year. During the mating season, called the rut, mature stags compete for the attentions of the hinds and will then try to defend the hinds they attract. Rival stags challenge opponents by belling and walking in parallel. This allows combatants to assess each other’s antlers, body size and fighting prowess. If neither stag backs down, a clash of antlers can occur, and stags sometimes sustain serious injuries.
Red deer are widely depicted in cave art found throughout European caves, with some of the artwork dating from as early as 40,000 years ago, during the Upper Paleolithic. Siberian cave art from the Neolithic of 7,000 years ago has abundant depictions of red deer, including what can be described as spiritual artwork, indicating the importance of this mammal to the peoples of that region. Red deer are also often depicted on Pictish stones (circa 550–850 AD), from the early medieval period in Scotland, usually as prey animals for human or animal predators. In medieval hunting, the red deer was the most prestigious quarry, especially the mature stag, which in England was called a hart.